Monday, June 15, 2009

Rena is coming back!

Rena is going to be back on the 17th of June!
@ 9.45pm!
Her number remains the same! so call her! =)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Please pray for the members of N182 especially for those in SOT.
Aaron, Cedric, Janis, Jeremy.

Things to pray about could be:
1. Health
2. SOT - financial, relationships with family etc.
3. Any personal issues that they might have if you are aware of.
(When we have tried all we can do and there is one thing that we must do, pray then God can do something about it)
4. Harmony,Peace,Love, Respect, Encouragement,Protection, and Unity in the N182 Family.
5. Meeting existing members needs and bringing in new people.
6. Developing a habit of prayer where it would not just consist of the "I" factor and with the people around us.
7. Anything else the Holy Spirit impress upon you that you feel a need to pray about.

Let's pray because we want to because we really care about each other and not because we are forced or compelled to.
If you don't feel like you want to, pray for God to let you understand why you should and how you should.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Your time is your life

Read something I really liked:
Redeeming Time by Pastor Phil
click on to link.

"See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil."
Ephesians 5:15-16
In case you're not a good handwriting reader, I typed it out for you. =)
This is to place a circle around yourself.It is to create boundaries to live within.
Fools don't do this.
Wise people don't waste time doing things that are not priorities for their life.
We decide our priorities by identifying what we value
What are your top 10 things you value?
Do you give them priority of time and money?
Your time is your life!
What you give your time to is what you are giving your life to!
Are you using your time to achieve your goals or is your time -life slipping through your fingers.Create new disciplines to maximize your time.Don't do time-wasters.
Spend your time buying what you want, rather than wasting your time getting what you don't want.
There's enough evil stealing time from us.
We must plan the work then work the plan to achieve the results we want.Remember, no one stumbles into success.It's vision, Values, Goals, Plan, Discipline, Work.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Janis 21st

.. not in sequence...


N182 Group Photo

.. not in sequence...

Birthday Song From N182

Trying to get more points!


Player: Jeremy Ko

Player: Michelle

Player: Henry

Player: Jeremy

Player: Sarah

Sunday, January 18, 2009